Keeping natural resources future generations


pollution, packaging,electricity chemicals,Exracts from 1998 manuscript.

“What is to be done at global level

On global level there is much to be done to save the world from destruction. First of all,there is need for changing the eating, drinking and other habits of the people of develoed countries. In developed countries, paper consumption is very high.The consumption needs to be reduced, as paper industry is one of the most polluting industries and requires a lot of electricity, use of chemicals and destruction of forests. In the past,peope after washing their hands,used cloth(hand kerchief). It has now become a habit in developed counries and fashion in developing countrie to wipe the hands with paper and throw away the paper. What is the need to do this? In the schools slates and slate pencils were used to learn in the lower classes. Now these have disappeared and in their place paper and pens have appeared which again is unnnecessary. There is need to curtail the number of pages in a newspaper. There is no need to have 60-80 pages in a newspaper,as no one will have time to read all the pages.It may be argued that those interested in sports will read only sports news and therefore sports coverage should have 5-10 pages. Similarly news on local business,international business local politics international politics etc have to wide.This arglumentc is not correct. There can be separate newspapers catering to different interets instead of one newspaper catering to several interests and burdening the readers, wasting natuuracl resources, polluting the environment etc. One should also think of the requirements of future generations. Similarly pacakaging should be reduced. There is no need for packing milk and fruit juices etc. in paper packs. With the reduction in consumption of paper,land used currently for treses for paper can be used for food crops. Consumption of meat, if reduced could release a large quantity of food grains for human consumption.

In countries like India even now green manure cow dung etc are used in agriculture to a large extent. In developed countries chemical fertilizers are used.The fertilsers runoff pollutes the rivers and leads to sea bed pollution. There is scope for reducing fertilisers use.There is scope for reducing the use of automobiles in developed countries at least by 50% and if this is done atmospheric pollution by automobiles would be reduced. Fishing could be reduced to allow more fish in the waters.All these are required to preserve natural resources for future generations, prevent/reduce pollution of the environment and to save the earth from destruction.